Friday, January 10, 2014
Hobo water slide. Yes we are in the middle of winter which makes it the perfect thing to start concocting for the summer coming up. All you need is a honkin' roll of plastic (found at Home Depot), environmentally safe dish soap, a water hose, and some kick butt fun kids.
Find the tallest hill in the neighborhood and unroll your monster sheet of plastic as far as she will go. Drop a hose at the top and turn her onto "trickle". Every 30 minutes or so add a squeeze of dish soap at the top to add that extra slippery goodness. In our family we call it "jet fuel". Get as many kids as you can to line up at the top of hobo mountain. Then, the craze begins. Yes it is fun. Yes it is muddy. And yes you'll find grass in your kid's suit for about a week. But in the end it is cheap, fun, and something they soon won't forget.
Extra tip: Add tent stakes at the top to hold the plastic in place.