
Sunday, January 26, 2014


Every kid's got 'em. If not they should. They live under your roof make them man up and help out once in a while. I will never understand parents who do not give their kids chores. Yes, I'm judging. Then there are parents who give their kids chores but don't give them any incentive except that they won't kick them out on the streets. Then there's the parents who give money incentives because they want their kids to learn the payoff of hard work means you can buy fake vomit or a new video game. My husband and I fall into that camp. 

Everyone goes about chores differently. In order for our kids to stick with it we felt it was necessary for them to feel ownership of their chores. A couple ways to do that was to make them their own chart that THEY are in control of. We helped create some chores for the board in the beginning but we gave them the ability to add their own as well. They also get a full week on their own timing to complete their chores. It's worked out quite well and is still going strong almost a year later. Along the way we have been able to teach our kids the value of a buck, how to save, how to pay and how to giveaway. And that has been worth every penny and mound of fake vomit.

Our chart consists simply of a rope for each boy. A clothespin is worth 1 chore. They move 5 pins (chores) above the line within one week they get their allowance. Payout happens every Saturday morning and the pins are all moved back under the line. The boys can also make the decision to donate a portion of their allowance to our favorite charity, Living Water International.